Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lawyer Video Marketing - How to spend $ 20,000 to market your Law Practice?

LAWYER marketing than

1. On page 3 / 4 of the yellow pages or a video channel with educational videos?

My question is: "Why bother with the yellow pages anymore?" Because this is a business at a loss and most people do not use the yellow pages more, because you should throw away all of your marketing dollars on a fixed 3 / 4 page in a competitive market? A consumer looking for a lawyer to see through 20 full-page ads Wade (New York) on a personalPersonal injury lawyer. Then I am on 3 / 4 page ads, then 1 / 2 page ad and receive so on.

Some lawyers say that if the YP used as an educational tool and a web site or phone number you have a better chance of receiving a call from a different source. Makes sense, right? Yes, but only if 20 other lawyers before having the person who filed the case. They refuse to receive that nobody wants.

If you've spent $ 20,000, then good luck to you. II personally think it is a mistake, but what do I know? You could be wrong. The only person that should be of concern is whether the $ 20,000 is a great return on investment for the production, not only is a client for the ad you want to generate a profit from the display and the display will continue to produce quality before payment to qualified customers who are paying. Do you really think that the Yellow Pages is the way to do more?

2. television commercial or create videos online?

E 'unlikely to becan be to create a series of television commercials and often play an important time in television for $ 20,000. Your message "branding" with a TV spot is an expensive proposition. E 'unlikely that anyone will need your services you will see that particular show that certain time slots for a couple of days a week. If you have a huge budget for marketing, TV ads are not the calls to your office so that other types of media.

My advice? Jump genre TV commercial. They aretoo similar and do not explain to viewers why it should be a particular lawyer on another call.

3. The radio ads and online videos?

When was the last time someone said something after listening to the radio? I never did. I'm sure others have. radio messages are ephemeral and fleeting. After this 15-30 seconds, the marketing budget will disappear from the airwaves, never to return.

How many radio spots you need to create, manage, oftenBroadcast your audience? Many every day, every week, and will continue to do so. Will it work? Of course it will, over time. With a catchy "1-800-I-Sue-for-you" phone number The key is to know whether it is worth and is a good return on investment.

Compare that to the video on-line. Create your video played once and 10 times, 100 times or 10,000 times more, all for the same exact price ... NOTHING!

What other media can be your marketing message is availableIt is at any time of day or night, just know when someone on the information provided in your video? Nothing compares.

4. Or online video ads?

You're joking right? Are you still on the market for ads? Do you think you'll win paying customers with quality Craigslist with the following type display? "Wounded? Call me. I can help." Very original. Very informative. certainly stands out from all other lawyers ads. Arefun, if not you might say.

Skip the ads and start the video lawyer.

5. Display ads or video online?

Some lawyers like to use for ads. They offer workshops, create advertorials, they try to distinguish themselves with a display screen. This is a good marketing. However, to get the best rate, you must place your ad frequently and for a period of months. This will become prohibitive. Even if you track calls from your adYou are wasting your money.

What happens if the card is finished and thrown in the trash? They see your marketing dollars down the drain too. It is not working for you while you sleep. Is not seeking services from someone only to find when they read the newspaper and read to the point where your ad will appear.

If you create online informational video, after the initial costs to create and upload, it works all the time and the cost isZero dollars. There is nothing better anywhere.

6. Direct mail or online video?

If you're a trial lawyer I am dealing with personal injury cases and medical malpractice, and you can not use direct mail for the general public. We can not direct advertising to patients in emergency rooms or even in the waiting room of an orthopedic surgeon (but I bet that many lawyers dream of doing so from the site!). You can not route mail to people who do not need yourServices at this time, this is a waste of money.

If you have a targeted list, you can use Direct Mail to your advantage and you should. But without a list of potential customers who need services, you must have an alternative. NB: There are many ethical rules, the direct potential customers CALL PROHIBITED. Make sure you know what needs to be local regulations before entering the direct mail.

The video is online and available at all hours of the night or day.Time will tell if a viewer is actively looking for your specialty. Maximize the possibility that the video will be displayed and will be much more likely that the public will call for information instead of your competitors.

My advice: start creating videos online today.


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